Our Partners



BEMIS is the national Ethnic Minorities led umbrella body supporting the development of the Ethnic Minorities Voluntary Sector in Scotland and the communities that this sector represents.

As a strategic national infrastructure organisation, BEMIS aims to empower the diverse Ethnic Minority third sector. We are committed to promoting inclusion, democratic active citizenship, recognition of diversity, human rights education, and wider representation, as well as effecting a proactive role in maintaining and enhancing pathways to influence government policy in regards to equality and human rights at local, Scottish, UK and EU levels.

GRAMNet & BEMIS Film Series

Since GRAMNet’s inception, BEMIS has been a longstanding, dedicated partner, particularly with the GRAMNet film series. BEMIS members contribute to the film series in numerous ways including funding, organisation, promotion and programme development. BEMIS has helped orchestrate GRAMNet’s film series, providing guidance, creative feedback and event management on many levels. As our film programmes continue to promote inclusion, discussion, and diversity, we at GRAMNet are deeply grateful for organisations like BEMIS’ commitment to raising awareness of issues surrounding refugeeism, migration, and asylum, and for providing critical links with ever expanding communities in Glasgow.